The phrase “sales funnel” sounds complicated, but it’s not. Simply put, a sales funnel is the process that people must go through to become your customer or client, from the time they first “notice” your business to the instant they become a paying customer.
The following are tips on how to create a sales funnel
1. Create a tripwire product or lead magnet: Consider this a preparation step before the real sales funnel building begins. A tripwire product is a low-cost product designed to get people into a sales funnel. Similarly, a lead magnet is typically a free info-product that launches a sales funnel.
Examples of both are free downloads, free samples, free trials, low-cost mini-courses or low-cost products. But your tripwire product or lead magnet can be anything that is easy for cold leads to say yes to. That is, something they want or need and which doesn’t require much investment.
2. Market your lead magnet or tripwire product to build awareness: Now that you have your low-cost offer prepared, it’s time to get people to pay attention to it! The simplest way to do this is to tell everyone in your network about your new low-cost (or free) offer. Additionally, you can create social media ads to reach a wider audience.
3. Send leads content over the next few days to build interest: Next, work on building interest. Speak to what your audience most needs to hear. You can share information about why your product or service is awesome, the behind-the-scenes of your creations, about you personally, or something else. The goal is to get people more invested, educated, and interested in your offer.
4. End with an offer to get people to make a decision to buy from you: By this point in your sales funnel, people should be warmed up for a sales pitch. Now is the time to lead them into the decision stage.
How? By offering something.
This can be a coupon for your products, a special rate, a bonus offer, or a simple ask to buy from you (or join a program, book a consultation call—whatever is the equivalent for your business).
5. Your customers take action and buy from you: Your work for this sales funnel is done. Now, it’s up to customers to take action and buy from you.
After that, your goal should be to keep them around to buy again. You can channel them into a new sales funnel right away or just add them to your newsletter until you’re ready to share something new
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