When we start out on our journey to build our online presence for the sake of becoming an influencer, selling a book, growing our business, or just to say we are online, everyone quickly lands at a place where they need to figure out how to grow their audience. There are so many ways to go about growing your audience online to help you achieve your goals, here are five quick tips to help you get started.
1. Provide Value: There are three things people want to do, and if you can satisfy any of them through what you do, you will surely find your audience. Your audience will continue to grow so long as you provide value to it. If you can teach, solve problems, or entertain, you will be able to provide endless value. People want to learn something new, discover new/better means of achieving their goals, and be entertained. Whatever you’re doing, make sure it is providing value to people. If you’re writing, try to provide insight rather than simply trying to sell something in every sentence.
2. Write Often: You can’t build an audience if you’re not saying anything for people to listen to. Writing helps you define yourself and give people an in-depth idea of who you are and what you believe. Writing often will give people a reason to keep coming back to your page, and those people who like what you’re saying or what you’re about will stay to listen for more.
Writing also helps you boost your rank in search engines if you do it right.
3. Share the Works of Others: You don’t have to always be the one creating content. Another way to provide value to your audience is to share the works of others that you appreciate. If you think something will be valuable to your audience, share it with them and tell them where you found it. People appreciate it when you put them onto something they might not have found on their own. As you do this for more people, they will start to stick around to hear what you have to say and your audience will continue to grow.
4. Build Something People Need: If you want to build an audience, a sure way to success is to help others succeed by solving a problem they have or giving them a way to solve that problem. You don’t have to be an engineer to build something people need, but it surely helps. You can build a list of your favorite tools that others might like, build a quick software tool to complete a tedious task that people routinely come across, or write a quick e-book explaining something and give it out for free.
5. Share Your Work: You can do the other four things, but if you don’t share what you’re doing with the world, your audience will not grow much. Share your work on your social media profiles, promote it through a newsletter, ask others to share it to help you out, and do whatever you can to get it in front of more eyes.
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